# Programming Main Page See the [[Master Contents Page]] or the [[Main AI Page]] Also of some relevance is the [[Master of Philosophy - Main Page]] and the [[Economics main page]] where Data Science is concerned. ## Python ### IBM Python for Data Science and AI This [[Python - Main Page|Python Module]] is part of the IBM course curated under the [[Main AI Page]] - [[Python Week 1 Main Page]] - [[Introduction to Python Data Types]] - [[Expressions and Variables]] - [[Week1 Types Expressions and Variables Lab]] - [[Sharing a Jupyter notebook to Github]] - [[Python String Operations]] - [[Week1 String operations Lab]] - [[Python Week 2 Main Page]] - [[Python Lists and Tuples]] - [[Week2 Tuples Lab]] - [[Week2 Lists Lab]] - [[Python Dictionaries]] - [[Week2 Dictionaries Lab]] - [[Python Sets]] - [[Week2 Sets Lab]] - [[Python Week 3 Main Page]] - [[Python Conditions and Branching]] - [[Week3 Conditions and Branching Lab]] - [[Python Loops - For Loops]] - [[Python Loops - While Loops]] - [[Week3 Python For and While Loops Lab]] - [[Python Functions]] - [[Python Function Scope - Global vs Local]] - [[Week3 Functions and Scope Lab]] - [[Python Classes]] - [[Week3 Classes and Objects Lab]] - [[Python Week 4 Main Page]] - [[Python file handling - reading]] - [[Week4 Reading From Files Lab]] - [[Python file handling - writing]] - [[Week4 Writing to Files Lab]] - [[Pandas]] - [[Filtering and Saving Data with Pandas]] - [[Week4 Pandas Data Lab]] - [[Python Week 5 Main Page]] - [[IBM Digital Badge - Python for Applied Data Science]] - [[Python Week 5 Main Page]] - [[Week5 US Economic Dashboard in Python Lab]] ### Previous Python Notes - [[Python - Proper Python project preparation]] - [[Python - How to write test units]] - [[Python - Making an importable Python module]] ## Javascript - [[Javascript - Intro to Udemy Course]] - [[Javascript - Absolute Basics]] - [[JavaScript - Data types]] - [[JavaScript - Comments]] - [[JavaScript - Variable Mutation and Type Coercion]] - [[JavaScript - Emmet]] << Cheat Sheet ## The Regex Grimoire ### HTML Invocations - [[Find all divs with attributes]] - [[Find all headings with attributes]] - [[The non-greedy question mark]] ## Language References - [DevDocs.io](https://devdocs.io/) - DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface. - [ReadTheDocs.org](https://readthedocs.org/) - Read the Docs simplifies software documentation by automating building, versioning, and hosting of your docs for you. ## Cheat Sheets - [[A Mostly Complete Chart of Neural Networks.jpg]] - [[cheatsheet.png]] - [[Coil_rank.png]] - [[EiTHwdfUYAAWJXr.jpeg]] - [[filescheat.png]] - [[wget_cheat_sheet.png]] ## Validators and online tools - [Rapid API](https://rapidapi.com/) - Find and Connect to Thousands of APIs. One SDK. One API key. One dashboard. - [CodeBeautify.org](https://codebeautify.org/) - Straight up the most comprehensive god-damn list of converters and validators I have ever come across. ## Articles, Books, and Videos - [The Ancient Art of the Numerati](http://guidetodatamining.com/) - A guide to practical data mining, collective intelligence, and building recommendation systems by Ron Zacharski. ## Contents - [[Programming/General/General - Dynamic vs Static and Compiled vs Interpreted]] - [[Programming/Tools/Brackets]] - [[Programming/General/General - Resources for all languages]]